I seriously already wrote this post and I'm doing it again (except I have more of a story this time)...
Jakob left for 10 days to Japan about an hour ago and I was already missing him LIKE CRAZY!!! He left his phone behind and so texting him and telling him how much I missed him would do no good. So, I thought the next best thing I could do is post about my feelings. Which were very tender and sweet the moments after he left. I wrote a nice post about how much I love Jakob and then went to post it and of course my internet couldn't connect. It hasn't ever done that before but of course the minute that Jakob leaves, things start to fall apart... Which demonstrates the point of my first post... Life without Jakob, just isn't life at all!!!
So, I called Qwest tech support. I'm sure if anyone has ever called technical support you will completely understand this section of this post... I braced myself for the call, because though these computer scientists are brilliant they do not always have the greatest people skills. I'm sure this technical support man got frustrated with me 3-4 times. I'm not a genius in the computer field but come on, have some patience with me, I'm still your customer. And I'm doing my best. I bet they just feel like the rest of us are clueless (which is probably true about me but still... come on, give me a chance). He did help me fix the problem. I always think, if I had known it was going to be that simple to fix I could have just done it myself, but I wouldn't have known then how or what to do. Anyway, I'm sure had Jakob been here, I would have still been the one calling, we have pretty clear lines about who does what in our relationship and with the internet, it is usually me (unless I am telling him it is him and then he does the bare minimum :). I just think if he were here, it wouldn't have happened or I would have had him to tell all about my experience. It makes me miss him all the more.
And now I'm back to my sappy feelings again, teary eyed and everything (partly I'm sure from pregnancy hormones). I LOVE that man of mine!!! I'm really excited for him to go to Japan. A little jealous, to be honest. I wish I could go too, but I know it will be a great experience for him! I just feel a little bit like Jo March in Little Women when Laurie goes off to college and she's jealous that he gets to go and will come back knowing all sorts of things that she didn't know. I have to remember I have had great travels and have done many things that he hasn't been able to do (poor kid hasn't even been to Disneyland!!!), and had there been a chance for me to go, he would have been the first to make it happen. But as it is... 1 - I'm not in his MBA Program (which is the whole reason he is going, it is a requirement for them to go) and 2 - I'm 33 weeks pregnant. There's just 2 big reasons, but they're pretty good ones!!!
So, I'll just settle for being happy for him and will be productive and busy doing good things so that the time goes by quickly and I get to be with him again. What is the saying?, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" I can already tell it is true. I'm already thinking about what an amazing man he is and how much I truly LOVE HIM!!! I love life with Jakob and he really is my best friend!!! I couldn't be more happy that he is the father of my children and the man I get to be with through eternity!!!
I LOVE YOU Jakob Steele Brandley!!! Please... learn a lot, have tons of fun, and come home safely to your little family who loves and misses you LIKE CRAZY!!!
Now, everybody pray for me that Baby Tiancum waits to come until after Jakob gets home!!!