p.s. It has been brought to my attention that I failed to mention a huge blessing about this Japan trip or "A Pan" trip, as Maya would say. Jake and Josh (his older brother) are both in the same MBA Program. And they both chose to go to Japan. This is one of the greatest blessings because Josh is the ultimate big brother! He really is. He is the oldest of 9 children and has been taking care of all of them since Jake came along (who is the 2nd oldest of the 9).
As Jake says, "He is the Chuck Norris of the Brandley Family!" And it is SO true. If anyone in the family ever needs anything, Josh is ALWAYS there to help. Jake and I were talking the week before they left about if Baby T came while Jake was away and he said to me, "If you need anything, just call Josh" and then we both cracked up laughing since Josh would be with Jake and not available to help me here in Logan.
This fact about Josh is such a part of our (the younger siblings) lives that I actually re-wrote words to one of my favorite childhood songs about "Otis Lee" (the leader of the Cabbage Patch Kids) and made the song about Josh. For your enjoyment (lyrics written November 2009)...
Meanwhile back with the Brandley Batch, life went on as usual. Brandley Kids laughing and playing and growing up happy. And there was one kid you could always count on to be there...
Who's the kid to call on when there's something to be done. Who's the captain of the team who's always number one. Always ready, strong and steady, bold as he can be. There's no match in the Brandley Batch for good Ole Joshie.
Rides his dirt bike everywhere he's always on the go. Has his own myphone so there's nothing he don't know. Wears a Scriber's helmet just as proud as he can be. Smiles at you through eyes of blue, good Ole Joshie Oh Joshie, Oh Joshie. Got no hair but he don't care, good Ole Joshie, Oh Joshie, Oh Joshie, ain't no match in the Brandley Batch for good Ole Joshie.
"I got myself a bull dog (pit bull that is), I've got a load of friends. Everyday is so much fun, I'm sorry when it ends!"
When you've got a problem, he's the one we go to see. Always ready, Strong and steady. Good Ole Joshie. Oh Joshie "yes sir", Oh Joshie "that's me". Got no hair but he don't care, good Ole Joshie, Oh Joshie, Oh Joshie "U-huh", ain't no match in the Brandley Batch for GOOD OLE JOSHIE!
This fact was one of the greatest comforts to me as I woke up Friday morning frantic about the 8.9 Earthquake that had just hit Japan. I found out later that they were far enough away that they felt very little of the earthquake and its effects. Yet it was truly a comfort for me that Josh was there with Jake. Had it really been bad at all for them I know Josh would have taken good care Jake.
In a way their friendship reminds me of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Hyrum, the older brother looked after Joseph even to the day they both died. He believed in him, loved him, and stood by him come Hell or High Water.
Because of this unique and special relationship that Jakob has with Josh. We have chosen to honor Josh by naming our son after him. His name with be Teancum Mark Brandley after his uncle Joshua Mark Brandley.
We love you Joshie - You are much more than chopped Sushi to us!!!
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